LWF General Assembly
ELCJHL in was Poland for the LWF 13th General Assembly! The ELCJHL was represented by Bishop Doctor Sani Ibrahim Azar, Reverend Sally Azar, and Youth Steward Bashar Qassis from our Church of the Reformation Congregation in Beit Jala.
Reverend Sally, in her role of Ex-Officio arrived in Poland early in the month to prepare for the Youth Pre-Assembly. This Assembly will conclude her 7 years of serving as a Youth Council Member to the LWF.
Youth Steward Bashar participated in the Youth Pre-Assembly, where he presented topics brought forward in the Asia Region's Pre-Assembly which occured in June in Malaysia.
LWF Youth participated in both the Men's and Women's Pre-Assemblies, where they presented important topics. Bishop Azar was a participant in the Men's Pre-Assembly, and Reverend Azar in the Women's Pre-Assembly.
Throughout the week, the ELCJHL was represented in plenaries which dove into the theme of the Assembly, "One Body, One Spirit, One Hope". Reverend Azar moderated the "One Hope" seminary. She preached at the Sunday worship of the Youth Pre-Assembly, and both Bishop and Reverend Azar attended and participated in local Polish worship services last Sunday.
Bishop Azar presented the ELCJHL in a Jarmark ("fair") session, where he, Reverend Azar, and Steward Bashar talked to an audience about the church, our ministry, and our context.
The ELCJHL is honored and privileged to be part of such a diverse and far-reaching community that is the The Lutheran World Federation. We give thanks all who worked so hard to organize and plan for this event.
Special thanks to LWF Assembly photographers, whose photography below gives us a window into the Assembly.
Reverend Sally, in her role of Ex-Officio arrived in Poland early in the month to prepare for the Youth Pre-Assembly. This Assembly will conclude her 7 years of serving as a Youth Council Member to the LWF.
Youth Steward Bashar participated in the Youth Pre-Assembly, where he presented topics brought forward in the Asia Region's Pre-Assembly which occured in June in Malaysia.
LWF Youth participated in both the Men's and Women's Pre-Assemblies, where they presented important topics. Bishop Azar was a participant in the Men's Pre-Assembly, and Reverend Azar in the Women's Pre-Assembly.
Throughout the week, the ELCJHL was represented in plenaries which dove into the theme of the Assembly, "One Body, One Spirit, One Hope". Reverend Azar moderated the "One Hope" seminary. She preached at the Sunday worship of the Youth Pre-Assembly, and both Bishop and Reverend Azar attended and participated in local Polish worship services last Sunday.
Bishop Azar presented the ELCJHL in a Jarmark ("fair") session, where he, Reverend Azar, and Steward Bashar talked to an audience about the church, our ministry, and our context.
The ELCJHL is honored and privileged to be part of such a diverse and far-reaching community that is the The Lutheran World Federation. We give thanks all who worked so hard to organize and plan for this event.
Special thanks to LWF Assembly photographers, whose photography below gives us a window into the Assembly.
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